Monkey Island:- Monkey Island is a sort of deck located at a topmost accessible height of the ship and just above the bridge- This part of a
ship is sometimes also referred to as a flying bridge and, in past, was used by the sailors for solar and
stellar observations. It houses a magnetic compass.
- The ship’s bridge is the commanding
station of a ship. It controls the
ship movement through its navigational equipment
- It controls important deck machinery, main engine
and ship’s navigation system.
- Functions that are usually performed
on the ship bridge are: controls the ship’s speed
and direction (navigation), monitor weather
and sea conditions, navigating and fixing
the position of the ship, and
facilitating internal as well as external communication
· - A Funnel or Stacks is a chimney on a vessel used to
discharge engine and boiler smoke.
· - Lifting of the exhaust
gasses, clear from the deck, is the constitutional purpose of the
Funnel Deck:
- Funnel releases exhaust gases into the atmosphere from engine exhaust room of the ship. It has a similar function to chimneys in factories.
- Nowadays extra care has been taken in discharging shoot from the funnel to preserve the atmosphere from pollution.- These funnels are never installed straight but inclined at a certain angle toward the aft so that the flue gases will not cause hindrance to the deck and navigation bridge of the ship
Boat Deck:
- Ship hull structure is covered by the deck floor. There can be multiple decks or deck sections on a ship. The deck at the top which bears maximum exposure to weather is referred to as the main deck or weather deck.
- On the basis of the position of a ship’s deck, decks are of six main types; main deck, poop deck, upper deck, lowers deck, weather deck and foredeck.
- The boat deck’s main function is holding the hull structure and providing floor to work, and standing and guard them against outside weather.
- The mast is a rangy spar arrangement which is elevated more or less vertically to the
Centre line of a ship.
- It has several purposes which
include carrying derricks and also giving fundamental height to the navigation light, salient yards,
radio or radar aerials and scanners.
- It is an extended area on top of a weather deck or an open area of the superstructure which provides an unobstructed view of the fwd and aft along with the sides of the vessel to the navigational officers.
- It also serves as an operating station for the officer and crew of the watch.
- It also contains a duplicate set of controls which is of vital importance for the master, ship’s
officers and pilot for berthing and unberthing of the vessel.
- Front-most part
of the boat or ship’s bow is termed as Stem
of the ship.
- The keel itself
is extended up to gunwale to form the curved edge called stem of the ship.
- These stems can be of two styles viz. raked and plumb stems, where
former is inclined at some angle to
the waterline and later is perpendicular to
the waterline.
- The forecastle is one of the foremost parts of the ship of length less than 7% of total deck length.
- It was initially used in military vessels, in which the soldiers used forecastle to take defensive positions.
- But, today, forecastle serves many functions such as holding, anchoring and securing the major parts of the ship.
- The foredeck is the forward part of a weather deck, between the
superstructure and the foc’sle superstructure.
Basically, it is a part
of the vessel forward of the mast.
· - It is a jut out bulb
at the bow of the vessel just below
the W/L.
- It cuts the water and tweaks the water flow around the hull, increasing the
vessel’s speed, fuel efficiency and stability.
· - 12-15% of better
fuel efficiency is observed in the vessel
with the bulbous bow.
- It also increases the buoyancy of the onward part of the vessel, which
results in the reduction of pitching up to some extent.
- The stern is aft end
structure and designed to provide low resistance, high propulsion
efficiency and avoid vibrations.
- It is the rearmost part of a ship which keeps the water out. Rudders and propellers are hanged to the stern.
- The stern can be shaped flat, canoe-like, tapered, sharp to
serve the purpose of cutting the
water in its way.
· - It serves as a roof to the cabin constructed in the
aft of the ship.
· - It facilitates the captain and helmsman to supervise the entire working crew.
- But in modern ships, the poop decks
are provided either in the centre of
the ship or on the starboard.
· - These are somewhat like a propeller and fitted on either side of the bow of the
- It helps in manoeuvring ship under
slow speed in congested waters near ports or canals. These are also referred to as tunnel
- Side thrusters influence the total
running cost of a ship to a greater extent. These are either
hydraulically or electrically
- Without steering, we can’t move a
vehicle in the desired direction; so the propeller
propels the ship and rudder steer the ship. The rudder is a flat hollow
structure, housed in the aft of the propeller.
- It consists of following parts: rudder trunk,
moveable flap, main rudder blade,
hinge system, links and rudder carrier
bearing. Rudders are of three types:
balanced type, semi-balanced type and unbalanced type rudder.
- As a vital part of the ship, the
rudder is provided with a steering gear system
which controls the movement of the rudder. It works on Newton’s Third
Law of motion.
- It is a mechanical device having blades fitted on a central shaft. These blades rotate and their rotational energy is converted into pressure energy and due to this, the propeller produces thrust required for propulsion. It pushes the sea water backwards and, in turn, the sea water helps the ship in moving forward.
- Engine, shaft and propeller together constitute propulsion unit. The propeller should be made up of materials like aluminium, bronze, manganese etc which are excellent corrosion resistant alloys. There can be one, two or three propellers.
- It is the most important part of the ship without which a ship can’t move. So, the main function of propeller is to propel the ship in the forward direction by producing thrust on water. Its working principles are Newton’s third law of motion and Bernoulli’s theorem.
- Freeboard can be defined as the distance measured from the waterline to the higher edge of the freeboard plating/deck plating at sides of amidships.
- The calculation of freeboard plays a
very critical role in defining the load line marks of the vessel, which in turn, is directly related to the cargo
carrying or the earning capacity of the vessel.
- The hull is a watertight body of a vessel which may be open or may be partially covered with a deck.
· - Hull has several
watertight decks and bulkheads as the
major transverse membrane.
· - The intermediate member of the hull consists
of girders, webs and stringers.
- Depending on the structural arrangements, there may be longitudinal
members for strengthening purpose.
· - The point that is usually most forward when the vessel is underway.
· - Both of the adjectives fore and forward mean
towards the bow
- To reduce the resistance of the hull cutting through water and should be tall enough to prevent water from easily washing over the top of it
Forward Perpendicular (FP): The vertical line that is made through the
intersection of the height of the bow and the air line
- Used for manoeuvring
the ship near the coastal waters, channels or when entering or leaving a port while experiencing bad currents or adverse winds.
- Type of propeller-shaped system fitted either on the bow (forward part) and stern part
(known as stern thruster) of the
- They are smaller in size as compared to the ship’s
propeller and help in better manoeuvrability of the
vessel at lower speeds.
Fore Mast: Ship’s mast near
Breakwater : A
structure on the forecastle of a ship to divert water away from the forward
superstructure or guns.
- Vertical distance between
the water line to the keel of
the ship
- To determine the depth of the shipping lane through which a ship
and port pool including the water depth at the pier
Over All (LOA), is the overall length of the ship measured from the end
of the stern to the end of
the bow
Length between perpendiculars, the length between the two perpendicular lines and
the vertical axis measured on the load line
Perpendicular : Imaginated line
located on the rudder stock
Freeboard : The distance from the waterline to the upper deck level, measured at
the lowest point of sheer, where water can enter the boat or ship
Vertical line between
the undersides of the deck
amid ship to the bottom of the keel.
an exact value
of depth as the hull is symmetrical
and the depth varies thorough out the ship
- the depth is greater at stern than at midship
Bridge :
- A small, often open
deck or platform above the
pilothouse or main cabin, having
duplicate controls and navigational equipment.
- The highest navigational bridge
on a ship
Keel :
- The longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull, on
which the rest of the hull is built,
in some vessels extended downward as a blade or ridge to increase stability.
- Botom part of ship
Main Deck
- Act as a tension member when the ship is supported by a single wave amidships,
or as a compression member when the ship is supported between waves forward and aft.
Air Draft
- This is similar to the "deep draft"
of a vessel which is measured from
the surface of the water to the deepest part
of the hull below the surface, but air draft is expressed as a height, not a
Copyright : English Council PIP Semarang
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